Virtual Backpack

Virtual Backpack is a place for Morton 709 families to receive flyers and other information from the district, schools, and community organizations. 


How do I submit a flyer?
All flyers must have approval. To get the flyer approved, please bring a hard copy of the flyer to Carolu Kizer at the district office, located at 1050 S. Fourth Ave. Morton, IL. 

Building Information

Letter from Mrs. Wyman

District calendar 23-24

Jefferson 2023-2024 Calendar

Preschool for all

Book your developmental screening for preschool for all.

Jefferson Picnic

Come join us for our picnic and enjoy some lunch with your students!


We are going skating!
Please fill out and send the $10/ student as soon as you can.

Jefferson Talent Show

Please join us for a good time being entertained by our talented Patriots.

Talent Show Audition sign up

If you are looking to participate in the Jefferson Talent Show this year, please fill out this audition form.

St. Jude Week information

Information for our spirit days for St. Jude and why we are wearing the color of the day.
Also check out the St Jude week order forms for other ways to donate and participate.

St Jude week order forms

Order forms for the scones and Kickball tournament.